Growing up outside of Atlanta, my friends and I would look for all possible ways to get down to an Atlanta Braves baseball game. Was it the most convenient to travel 30-40 minutes (without traffic) into the city? Not really. Was it easier to stay home and watch the game – absolutely! And it was free! However, what you can’t get watching the game at home or on a giant television in a local restaurant, is what you definitely find at a live baseball game.
It wasn’t just about watching the game as it was experiencing the traditions. Seeing the major league players, watching their methodical ways before going up to bat. Tasting the delicious stadium hot dogs. Singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th-inning stretch. Cheering for your team, doing the wave and so forth. There are so many factors to experiencing baseball live, that you could not duplicate in any other way.
The power of Direct Mail advertising can work in a very similar way. It is the single most powerful way businesses can connect to their consumer – reaching them with a tangible invitation, a tangible invitation to come to your business. Come experience your products, come experience your customer service. In essence, you are inviting them into your business stadium where you have the home field advantage.
The same tangible feeling comes when consumers receive Direct Mail. You are taking the time to think of and reach out and touch them.
Direct Mail is not just about throwing out discounts to your target market. It should also be thought of as your personal invitation, a way to show appreciation for your loyal customers and a way to engage them to come connect with you again or connect with you for the first time.
Do you have a new product you want to showcase or have your customers try? Invite them to come sample new products with Direct Mail.
Do you have a Customer Appreciation Day you want to highlight? Invite them to come celebrate and feel appreciated with Direct Mail.
Do you have an increase of inventory you need to liquidate? Invite them to come save during an Exclusive Customer Only Shopping Experience with Direct Mail.
If you’re feeling stuck in the 7th-inning stretch and want to increase your reach to consumers with the most effective way to get them to your home field – you need a winning pitch. A well planned, designed and executed Direct Mail campaign may be the winning pitch your business has been missing.
Buddy Mail Advertising offers affordable direct mail solutions for businesses of all size, contact us for more information on advertising in our direct mail magazine or an of our custom mailed products. 1-888-702-1953